Thanks for visiting Count Bayesie, I hope you enjoy!
Why a Probability Blog?
Probability is a fascinating area of study full of questions that seem simple but quickly unfold to reveal themselves as truly challenging problems. The study of probability has been profoundly important in both my professional and personal life for quite some time. I created this blog as a vehicle to help people understand what makes probability theory both immensely important in how we understand the world as well as a delight to study in its own right.
Despite the name this is not a strictly Bayesian blog. Posts here will explore issues in Bayesian and Frequentist statistics as well as topics usually left for a rigorous study of probability with measure theory (though as often as possible the aim will be to minimize rigor and maximize insight).
Who is Count Bayesie?
Will Kurt
Iām the author of Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way (No Starch, July 2019) and Get Programming with Haskell (Manning, April 2018). I have been working in data science for nearly a decade in various roles and am currently focused on writing about probability and statistics. You can find me on twitter and github.
Want to get in touch?
You can reach out to me by email at will@countbayesie.com